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Two recipes, two very different lifestyles.

3 Oct

This post is a bit long, not because I have time to write a long post (I absolutely don’t), but because I’ve had a bit of a crazy week, particularly in the food department. Also, PICTURES.
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The Science of Yum

5 Sep

I know that there exists a glut of comparisons between cooking in the kitchen and working in a laboratory, but allow me to add one more: Cooking in the kitchen is a lot like working in a lab. While its prose is not up to my usual, flowering standards (HA!), the sentiment is quite accurate, which could explain the glut. The similarities between these situations run deeper than the obvious: cutting, measuring, mysterious powdery substances, mistakes resulting in minor explosions or fires, Pyrex. It’s about following instructions, and also not following instructions. You can learn a lot from sticking to a well-documented and established procedure, but you can’t learn anything new.
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